Sunshine Bay Public School

Delivering quality education in a caring and dynamic environment

Telephone02 4472 6464 02 4472 6522

Sunshine Bay School Creed and Song

Sunshine Bay Public School Creed

I shall pass through this world but once

Any good deed therefore I can do, let me do it now

Let me not defer it, nor neglect it

For I shall not pass this way again



Sunshine Bay Public School Song

Look, learn and listen is what we need to do

For a better me and a better you

To build a good tomorrow we must all begin today

For our world is waiting for us and what we have to say

No matter what your colour

Where you come from, who you are

We are united in our learning, united in our goals

So take a hand and make a friend

And share your many dreams

We are the Sunshine Bay School children

If we share, if we give, then we will shine